1 Corinthians 9 Musings

“When I am with those who are weak, I share in their weakness for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. I do everything I can to spread the Good News and share in its blessings” - 1 Corinthians 9:22-23

These two verses are some of my favorites in the New Testament. Each time I read them, I feel as if I see Paul’s heart for people. It’s such a powerful example of the approach he uses to spread the Gospel that I think is so compelling and powerful. To me, it shows Christly love: unrelenting, powerful, and sacrificial. He pours out everything he has and does absolutely everything he can to further his case for Christ. 

This shows me two things. One, that he thinks Christ is worth it. The gospel is worth everything he can ever do for it, and later in Philippians we see how much he values and loves Jesus that he thinks everything he’s ever done he considers crap

And two, that he thinks those he’s talking to, reaching out to, are worth it. He values them more than they do themselves. And he values them more than he values himself. He even states that he wishes that he himself were accursed so that they may be saved. (Whaaat. How is that even achievable?) 

I guess this verse has always touched me because there’s something really sacrificial about it that is so pure, so not of this world. It’s precious, beautiful. So not self-seeking. This love is the type of love he describes later on in 1 Corinthians 13.

Although I take heed to not misinterpret this as Paul not having any boundaries to his gospel-preaching. Don’t get me wrong, I truly believe that he’s willing to sacrifice and risk and try everything to spread the Word. However, the gospel is his foundation and the sole drive and purpose of everything he does. He does everything he can to further the gospel while simultaneously never compromising the message itself.

However, in our North-American contemporary church culture, a lot of what I’ve observed around me is just the opposite. As in, we try to find common ground with the world but often at the price of compromising the message of the gospel. 

How did Paul, and all the others do it? How can they try to find common ground with everyone, spread the News, and yet not conform to the patterns of the world at the same time? I find this extremely difficult and puzzling. 

However, as I look further into the verse, I notice that Paul says “save some”. He recognizes that he will be most likely rejected by many. And he accepts that, I think. One thing is for sure, he doesn’t water down what he’s going to preach and doesn't compromise his message, although he tries his best in all means possible to reach out to them. But the message, in all its purity is always retained and preserved. Because the purpose, the main goal, drive and everything that’s projecting him forward is the gospel alone. 

(Originally written September 9th 2014)

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