True Worship


In times of worship where we simply don't feel it, is it more God-honouring if we just keep our mouths shut and not sing at all?
Probably better not to sing than to sing something you don't even feel or truly mean. 

In those moments where I feel so numb to the songs that have been sung and resung I wonder how much we're singing for Him and how much simply for ourselves and to appease our guilt and conscience. 

When we just go along with songs and are simply just singing along and treating worship songs just like any other, is God pleased? Or would He rather not hear it altogether? 

If we haven't honoured Him in our deeds then maybe He doesn't want to hear us proclaiming our love to Him with our worship. Wouldn't that just further prove that we're hypocritical - singing one thing and doing another? Reminds me of Isaiah 1. Some pretty harsh words.

We can probably worship and sing to God in many different ways, but there's probably only one kind of worship that is truly pleasing to Him. Everything else may just be noise. I think it's only when our actions and our hearts align and it's the whole person, wholeheartedly worshipping Him that He can be truly pleased and us, truly content and satisfied.

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